Sunday 18 August 2019

Building your own home is about desire, fantasy.  Anyone can do it. 
~ Kevin McCloud.
We have holes in our walls & our floors.  Our plumbing is coming & going as the lad spasmodically works his way out of the bathroom & toilet, tiling & grouting & putting up all the moldings.

On Saturday I celebrated DIL2's baby shower on the north shore of Brisbane & briefly caught up with my mother & youngest daughter ~ which meant I was finally able to hand over my mother's rug.

This one.

And so I was able to ask Youngest, who was staying with mum & doing the driving: Did she actually like it? Because my mum is known to be fussy & is a good craftswoman in her own right.  And youngest quipped:Considering she had the blanket draped around her shoulders or on her lap all night I'd say yes. 
All good then.

A Little Renovation...

Living through a home renovation is like living in the wild... You do whatever it takes to survive. Anon. I have been quiet because for...